Jeanette Lee Adopts Baby Girl


The happy family.
The happy family.
Pool pro Jeanette Lee and her husband, George Breedlove, have announced the adoption of a baby girl, Cheyenne Lee Breedlove.

The Lee family’s new addition was born to an unwed mother of Korean descent and a Caucasian father. Lee was approached about the possibility of adoption through a member of her sister’s church. Lee and her husband George Breedlove have long wanted to be parents.

Cheyenne was born June 11, 2004, weighing 7 pounds, 6 ounces. Lee contends that motherhood will not distract her from her pool career. “Cheyenne is a great source of inspiration for me and I can’t wait to play for her. I have never felt happier or more motivated in my life than I am now as a parent.”

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