Fisher – No, Not That One – Takes WPBA Title


Snooker-champ-turned-9-ball-pro Kelly Fisher won the Women’s Professional Billiard Association’s Mueller Recreational Products West Coast Classic at Viejas Casino in Alpine, Calif., Mar. 30-Apr. 3. The outcome was a shocker. It was Kelly Fisher’s first pro 9-ball title, and she was joined in the television rounds by Gerda Hofstatter (who took second), Vivian Villarreal (third) and Karen Corr (fourth place).

What was most surprising, however, was who did not make the TV rounds. Super-dominant top-ranked Allison Fisher (no relation) was relegated to tie-for-fifth, after being knocked into the one-loss bracket by Hofstatter and then eliminated by Corr. Kelly Fisher took home $10,000 for her win; Hofstatter settled for $7,000.

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